DL1DXA.de :: QRP :: Pottenstein Meeting 2000

The participants of the meeting in front of the conference building

More than 50 German G-QRP Club members, with some Austrian and Czech members attended an annual meeting of the German Chapter of the G-QRP Club at the last weekend of April 2000. Conference venue was Pottenstein, a small town with 1.500 inhabitants in the "Frankish Swiss". The meeting was organized by Rudi Dell DK4UH, the G-QRP Club German representative. The three day event included an impressive and varied programme of lectures:
Two lectures dealt with antennas:

The xyls had their own programme including a sightseeing tour by couch. They visited the castles of Rabenstein and Greifenstein as well as a falconery.

For the first time, conference proceedings were available for all participants.
Many thanks to Rudi for his hard work!


Oliver assisted by Willi with antenna measurements
The conference station DL0VLP     Oliver, DF6MS, supported by Willi, DK6SX, while measuring the resonance frequency of a beam element

               Grüße von Uli, DL1DXA
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