DL1DXA.de :: QRP :: Home-made Projects

Here is a short summary of some of my QRP and self-made projects

Actually, I built my first QRP transmitter in 1958 consisting of a Colpitts oscillator with the tube 6V6 and a power amplifier with the 6L6 tube followed by a Pi filter as antenna tuner. Unfortunately, there are no pictures anymore. This noise bridge is a very helpful device for measuring impedances or the resonance frequency of antennas in the shortwave range. It consists of a noise source with a Z-diode followed by a broadband amplifier. The bridge balancing circuit, in the true sense of the word, consists of toroidal core of Manifer Mf343 and makes use of the station receiver, tuned to the frequency of measurement, as a detector. The bridge is balanced by changing a bridge capacitor and resistor while listening to the receiver for a noise minimum. Resistance and reactive values can be determined from the variable R and C positions, and may be converted to an SWR or Z value.

Noise bridge This PCB holder is very helpful. The PCB can be turned by more than 210°. It is applicably for PCB sizes between 25 and 220 mm.

PCB holdering device At that time, it was a little bit difficult to build a VHF transistor PA in the medium power range. This PA was designed with a Russian power transistor.

2m 50 W PA The transceiver is based on a single conversion concept with an IF of 200kHz using two mechanical filters with 500 Hz and 2.7 kHz bandwidth.
The whole transceiver is completely equipped with parts made in the former GDR.
This self-made bias tee is used for remote power supply of preamplifiers and converters via the coaxial cable. It can be used up to 2.5 GHz.

Bias Tee This home-made 2m FM TCVR is equipped with an TDA1047 in the RX.

2m FM transceiver In the former GDR, each transmitter has to be inspected and released by the "Deutsche Post". After the inspection test, the TX got a mark transfer consisisting of the callsign and a consecutive number.

Inspection mark This SWR bridge is developed especially for the 23 cm band and is based on a microstrip dual directional coupler design. As a special feature, the forward wave as well as the backward wave can be depicted simultanously.

SWR SHF bridge This broadband amplifier can be used for the 23 cm band to compensate cable attenuations. This was my first poject using SMD parts.

Broadband amplfier This prescaler, with a division ratio of 64 or 256, expands the input frequency range of your counter to 1.6 GHz. The sensitivity is < 10mV for 3 - 1300MHz and < 50mV for 1 - 1600 MHz. Dimensions: 80mm x 20mm x 25mm. Input impedance: 50 ohms.

Prescaler Prescaler (assembly side) Prescaler (pattern side)

In 1987, I became qrv on 23 cm with this TVTR and a homemade PA with two tubes 2C39 (abt 120 W out) and a homemade 5m long Yagi Uda antenna.

23cm TRTV

This is hybrid solution for both packet radio and RTTY. The AFSK signal is generated with an XR2206. For demodulation, a filter converter ist used for RTTY and an PLL demodualtor with the XR2211 for PR.

Hybrid Packet Radio / RTTY  modem This is packet radio modem for both VHF and the shortwave where the world chip AM7911 with an integrated equalizer is used. PTT and computer are separated by an opto-coupler interface.

Packet Radio modem with AM7911

               Grüße von Uli, DL1DXA
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